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Nukkekoti-esityksen julistekuva, jossa mustavalkokuva kahdesta miehestä
Photo: Vuokko Salo

A Doll's House

A Doll’s House – Scenes from a Divorce explores the themes of money and love, family and betrayal.

Director Mikko Roiha, known for his fresh reinventions of well-known classics, is bringing Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (Nukkekoti in Finnish) to KOM-teatteri in autumn 2023.

Henrik Ibsen was an “enfant terrible” of his own time, a fearless and innovative artist, who is considered the father of modern drama. Starting out as a romantic family drama, A Doll’s House shook people with its sharp criticism of Victorian marriage norms and women’s repressed position. It still intertwines with ever-current themes of equality and human dignity.

Roiha’s interpretation is set in a small Finnish town in early 2000’s. The themes of money and love, family and betrayal are now being explored in remote surroundings of Ostrobothnia.

Aleksi Holkko is seen alongside Niko Saarela as the main couple struggling in their relationship. Vilma Melasniemi, Tiina Weckström and Markus Riuttu play the other roles.

”All happy families resemble each other, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” states Leo Tolstoy at the beginning of Anna Karenina. ”Who has the right to an unhappy marriage?” asks Mikko Roiha.

Mikko Roiha is a distinctive theater director who has received the State Award for Stage Art for his work as “an original theater maker and a traveler of his own path”.

A Doll’s House – Scenes from a Divorce premieres on September 8th, 2023. English translation is provided!


Literature, Theatre, dance and circus


Performance, visits

Target groups

Upper secondary and vocational education


drama (literature), literature, performance art, theatre (art forms), theatre events

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Queueing allowed


Contact person

Pauliina Saviranta


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